Buy Cheap The Tattoo Encyclopedia : A Guide to Choosing Your Tattoo 
Buy Low Price From Here Now A unique illustrated reference on the origins and meanings of nearly one thousand tattoo symbols that serves as a guide for choosing a personal image and provides a fascinating look at the tattoo as a work of art.
Tattoos continue to move into the mainstream and grow in popularity with each passing day. For people contemplating getting a tattoo, however, the choice of images can be overwhelming. A comprehensive, informative exploration of the colorful world of tattoos, The Tattoo Encyclopedia presents concise descriptions of symbols both common and unusual and sheds light on their historic, religious, and cultural significance.
Organized in a convenient A-to-Z format, cross-referenced, indexed by category, and illustrated with three hundred samples of authentic tattoo line art, this book features a stunning array of images ranging from ancient Buddhist and Chinese designs to those sported by twenty-first-century bikers. The definition of each symbol includes the widely accepted interpretation based on historical fact and cultural source, as well as various interpretations that have developed across different cultures and time periods.
Whether choosing a personally significant tattoo, wanting to learn more about a symbol, or simply being interested in tattoos as a form of art and body decoration, readers will discover the richness of tattoo culture in The Tattoo Encyclopedia.
Technical Details
- ISBN13: 9780743223294
- Condition: NEW
- Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
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"tattoo symbolism" 2009-12-12
By Zvi Friedman (brno, czech republic)
This book lacks in every aspect from military tattoos to naval tattos through tribal and traditional up to modern symbles that may appear of any importance.
I had high hopes of this book but sadly I was dissepointed...
The sadest thing of all is that there isn't even an attempt from the author of the book to learn more from the readers of the book... No contact address is present so that in the future an updated edition would be published.
In short, good way to make money, bad way to create an academic research...
Choosing a tattoo buy way of using this book? I don't think so.

"Great Ink Book!" 2009-06-13
By Kristine F. Grover-range
My son loves this book, he is learning so much he did not know about tattoo's. The pictures have given him new idea's too on what to do to pictures that he said were not done yet that were missing something.

"Informative, Wish it was Larger!" 2008-12-09
By Barbara Staples (Chicago, IL)
This is a great book for anyone looking to get a tattoo. It covers all the basics of symbolism of major images and themes seen in tattoos. It has a lot of entries, but I wish there was more in-depth entries! At least they give a good over-view of each entry so you could look up more about it on your own. Not as many pictures as I would like - but its an inexpensive book so really I can't complain!

"The Mark of Cain" 2008-06-18
By A. D. Cox (northern PA, USA)
The Mark of Cain
The pub, the bar, the old watering hole: it's where all the animals gather at the end of the day, but that also includes the predators. I met a gal with the nickname of "Lou". Lou challenged me to arm wrestle and beat me two out of three, and me being a weightlifter and wrestler in high school. But in all fairness, I was distracted by the tattoos of bleeding skulls and naked women rippling down her biceps.
Tattooing is becoming much more commonplace and mainstream in today's society. It used to be that very few women got tattoos. Those that did were the exception and usually a touch eccentric and rebellious, not to mention being able to hold their liquor. All that changed in the late 80's when tattooing became much more socially acceptable, largely due to the many celebrities who publically sported tattoos. In the fall of 2006, a study was completed by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, which found that 24% of Americans who were between the ages of 18 and 50 had a tattoo. This is almost one in four people in the United States, including women.
Throughout human history, we have deliberately and permanently marked our skin. Tattoos have served as rites of passage, marks of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations of bravery, punishment, talismans of protection, to identify oneself with a particular group or gang, and as the marks of outcasts, slaves and convicts. Today, most people choose to be tattooed for cosmetic and sentimental reasons. No matter the reason - tattoos are forms of expression that carry meaning.
Perhaps you are thinking of getting a tattoo like my drinking buddy "Lou", and you don't know where to start. I recommend checking out The Tattoo Encyclopedia: A Guide To Choosing Your Tattoo by Terisa Green with illustrations by Greg James. This illustrated reference book has entries on the origins and meanings of nearly one thousand tattoo symbols that can serve as your guide for choosing a personally significant tattoo.
For people contemplating a tattoo, the choices can be overwhelming. Do you get a tiger, a dragon, or is a 13 ½* better suited for your current situation? Maybe a butterfly, flower, or cartoon character is more your style. Tattoos can be rich in symbolism or whimsical fashion statements. The Tattoo Encyclopedia presents concise descriptions of symbols both common and unusual, and provides information on their historic, religious, and cultural significance.
Most people and most cultures do associate tattoos with some deeper meaning. They can be an outward sign of inner transformation, an appeal to the forces of fortune, or a declaration of love, loyalty, or sometimes even hatred. They are reminders of events both grim and uplifting -- a glimpse into our past and the events and experiences that have shaped us. I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of the Phoenix, the mythological bird that rises from the ashes. I know I can beat "Lou", and I'm going to challenge her to a rematch. Right after I pay for the next round...

"Great Ideas" 2008-06-11
By Arlene Vanhook (Lexington, KY)
If your thinking about getting a tattoo but don't know where to begin this is the book for you. Everything has a meaning or sometimes several. Find out what the symbols, animals, and flowers all mean. Genie - Change
Bomb - Strength
A great book you will find yourself refering back to several times.
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